Friday, July 20, 2007

Poking fun...

For those of you that constantly rag me about the color of my pants, jackets, etc. please read this article. Now leave me alone!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Coffee with a view

On our last day in Whitefish, I thought I'd document my morning ritual for the last 7 days. I think the video says it all....

Monday, July 9, 2007

The trip down Ironhorse Drive

The view is so amazing, I had to stand up through the sunroof and get some footage going down the mountain. I know some of the passing cars thought I was nuts, but I really wanted to get it all on tape.

This is the daily drive down from the house on Huckleberry Lane at Ironhorse in Whitefish. Tell me this would get old, and I'll punch you right in the nose...

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th of July from Whitefish, MT

Yes, that's right folks. The Laughlin Clan is out in Montana for a week of rest and mean a week of more dirty diapers, early morning bottle feedings, and the like. I must say, however, I'd much rather be doing all of this out here in good ol' Montana versus the alternative - hot and muggy Atlanta in a house that's been under renovation in various capacities for over a year now.

Here's a shot we had taken while we had the chance.

Baby Sloane was all dressed up in her festive dress, and yes, dad had on some "flag pants." Go ahead, laugh....poke whatever you need to do. I have flags on my must admit it's not nearly as fun to make fun of as my pink and green pants. But hey...this ain't about me....this is about my family, right?

Anyway, I hope all of you had a great 4th of July. With perfect weather, mountains all around us, and this view while drinking coffee in the morning...

...I can easily say, "It don't get no better than this...!"

Monday, May 28, 2007

Mama and Sloane on the Beach

Well, for once we had a problem getting Sloane to smile. We think she was so confused by the sound of the ocean, the sand, etc. that she didn't know what to do. Either way, I thought this was a great shot of her mother...and of course, Miss Sloane....

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Typical male....

So the stage is set, romance is in the air, and Sloane and Max are sharing their first sunset together. But being a typical male, Max was watching another gal walking down the beach in a skimpy bikini. Although I thought it was rather rude of him to be so obvious about it, I think he burned a bridge with Sloane...which means I won't be worrying about him knocking on my door in a few years....

One of these days you'll learn, Max....but you are indeed just like your dad....

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Me and Miss Sloane

So we flew into Naples around 8:30 PM for a long relaxing weekend with friends. Mike Greto picked us up at the airport, and even he commented on how excited Sloane seemed be. But this was not her first trip to Naples, so we were a little confused....

We got to the house, walked in, and then we realized why she was so excited....little Max was there for the weekend, too. And to say that Max was excited is not doing it justice. As we walked into the living room, Jeff (Max's dad) and Max were sitting on the couch, and ol' dad was sipping his drink of choice. The lights were turned down low, and there was some music playing in the background. If you are familiar with the song, "Me and Mrs. Jones" by Billy Paul, then you know the mood little Max was trying to set. As you can see, by the end of the evening, the lyrics had turned to "Me and Miss Sloane." It seemed that Sloane was digging Max's efforts until he refused to fix her a milk and then poked her in the eye.

Yes, he's got moves like his father, alright....

Sunday, May 20, 2007

She loves the pool!

Now tell me that grin is not a pure indication that Miss Sloane likes the water. I don't even think we'll need to spend money on swimming lessons!!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day, Mom!!!

Sloane was all smiles when she woke up this morning. Must be because it's Mother's Day. We love you, Mom!!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

She's got rhythm

Unlike her mama, Sloane seems to have an interest in music...

Future Spinning Instructor

Looks like little Sloane definitely has some of her mother's talents...

Friday, March 30, 2007

We have a Coke baby....

No, not that kind of Coke baby. A Coca Cola baby! Here's a picture of Sloane's trip to work with her mother. Several other women in Hadley's department had babies over the last year or so, and they had a "baby day" so that everyone could bring their new additions to work. Sloane was a little too interested in the boys, so she isn't looking at the camera. Could this be a problem some day??

Friday, February 23, 2007

Baby Sloane's first trip to John's Island, Florida

Well, little Sloane and mother and grandfather took a quick trip over to Vero Beach to see her great grandmother Lo Lo. They were there a couple of days and had a great time. Lo Lo finally got to see Sloane, and so did Auntie Barbara, who was in town from Arizona...

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Stay tuned for a few more pictures later...

Like father, like daughter

I know I've already posted this picture of Sloane, but I ran across an old picture of me in a box of stuff my parents gave me. I thought I'd have some fun with it. Pretty funny, if you ask me. She's already started and hasn't the slightest idea what she's doing. This is going to be a fun, fun ride I can already tell....

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Bath Time!!!

She loves taking her baths. No crying, no nothing!!

She likes it when you whistle at her!

As I was playing with Sloane on the floor, I decided to whistle at her, and for whatever reasons, every time I did it, she tried to talk to me! Pretty cute!

Hope this doesn't mean trouble in the future!!


I caught her doing some crunches just like her mother...

Neck exercises put her to sleep...

Little Sloane had some "tummy time" and she got a little bit of a neck workout. So much, in fact, that she put herself to sleep!

Monday, February 12, 2007

1 out of 4 ain't bad

Well, after being away from Hadley and Sloane for almost 2 weeks (they are in Naples, FL with my in-law's until March), I finally got the chance to go down and visit them. However, the night I got there, I caught some kinda bug on the flight down, and I was in bed until the day before I had to go home! I had a fever of 102 until Sunday morning, when it finally broke. So, most of my time down there was spent in bed and nowhere near little Miss Sloane. By noon on Sunday, I was pretty much back to normal, and I finally got to hold her. Hadley and I went to dinner Sunday night, and before we left, we had another little family portrait taken. Not the best picture, but it will have to do...

I was supposed to wait another two weeks before going back down to see them, but since I missed most of this last trip due to being near death, I'm going back down next weekend. Hopefully I'll have more pictures then. Stay tuned!!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Just in from Naples!

Here's a little slide show of some pictures Hadley just sent me from Naples. Sloane, you are definitely missed!!!

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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Florida Family Portrait

Well, this was supposed to be outside, but the bad weather kept us inside. Go figure. I go to Florida for the weekend, and it's too cold to spend time outside or in the water. Anyway, we wanted to at least try to get a picture of the family (us) while I was down in Naples, so this is what we ended up with. Little Sloane wasn't cooperative during the real photo opportunities, so as soon as we sat down to take a break, she settled down and we decided to get a shot. I can't tell if she's asleep or if she's holding her hand to her head and thinking, "Here we go again..."

Three Generations

When her great grandmother (Gommie) and grandfather (Bill) came over before we all went to dinner, you know we just had to snap a quick picture of all three generations of ladies in the family. So here's a picture of Sloane with her mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. Not too hard on the eyes, are they??!!

She's a jokester...

I'm starting to take it personally. She smiles at her mama, she smiles at Potsy (her grandfather), and I swear she's smiled at me, although Mama blames it on "stomach issues." Still, though...she likes to make funny faces at me. Not sure why, but when I talk to her, she just doesn't take me seriously...

Saturday, January 27, 2007

She Sneezes!

Here's Sloane sneezing and then trying to figure out what sneezing actually is!

Her cousins love her!!

Jane and Anna Scott couldn't get enough of their new little cousin, Baby Sloane. They loved on her and hugged on her and were great helping hands. It was great training, since they will have a new baby sister in a couple of months. Here's another picture to prove Sloane was in good hands!!

Friday, January 26, 2007

She Snores!

All that smiling wore little Sloane out! She snores just like her mama!!!

She Smiles!

Little Sloane must really like Florida, as she put on one heck of a show with her smiles!!

Sloane loves her Irma

The minute we walked in the house, Irma the housekeeper had to get her a little Sloane action. After a few minutes, little Sloane sure did warm up to her's proof!

Now, if she'll just smile like that when her daddy holds her.....!

Not a peep!

Knock on wood. Little Sloane didn't make a peep on this trip. Not in the car. Not in the airport, and not on the plane. We had bottles and everything in the event she had a melt down on her first plane ride. But she slept through the entire ordeal. You can't ask for much more than that. Here's little Sloane (and her mama) at 12,000 feet...and Sloane is doing what she does best....sleeping!

Sloane the Adventurer!

Well, today we're heading to Florida for our first "family trip." Mama, Dad, and Sloane are packing the bags and heading down to Naples, Florida to spend the weekend with the Baur's. Well...let me clarify that. DAD is the one spending the weekend in Naples. Mama and Sloane are spending the next 6 weeks in Naples. You see, Mama is still on maternity leave, so she figured she'd smart and escape the cold winter weather in Atlanta (definitely not Hotlanta right now). I, on the otherhand, will have to come back on Monday. Yes, duty calls. But that's okay. I've a long list of "honey-to-do's" as you can imagine, so there's plenty of stuff to keep me busy. I'll go visit them again in another week, and then I'll go down in early March one last time before we ALL come back home. Needless to say, it will be VERY hard leaving that little girl (oh, and her mama, too....ha!) on Monday morning. Talk about separation anxiety...

Anyway, here's little Sloane all ready to head to the airport...

Stay tuned!!