Friday, January 26, 2007

Sloane the Adventurer!

Well, today we're heading to Florida for our first "family trip." Mama, Dad, and Sloane are packing the bags and heading down to Naples, Florida to spend the weekend with the Baur's. Well...let me clarify that. DAD is the one spending the weekend in Naples. Mama and Sloane are spending the next 6 weeks in Naples. You see, Mama is still on maternity leave, so she figured she'd smart and escape the cold winter weather in Atlanta (definitely not Hotlanta right now). I, on the otherhand, will have to come back on Monday. Yes, duty calls. But that's okay. I've a long list of "honey-to-do's" as you can imagine, so there's plenty of stuff to keep me busy. I'll go visit them again in another week, and then I'll go down in early March one last time before we ALL come back home. Needless to say, it will be VERY hard leaving that little girl (oh, and her mama, too....ha!) on Monday morning. Talk about separation anxiety...

Anyway, here's little Sloane all ready to head to the airport...

Stay tuned!!

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