Friday, February 23, 2007

Baby Sloane's first trip to John's Island, Florida

Well, little Sloane and mother and grandfather took a quick trip over to Vero Beach to see her great grandmother Lo Lo. They were there a couple of days and had a great time. Lo Lo finally got to see Sloane, and so did Auntie Barbara, who was in town from Arizona...

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Stay tuned for a few more pictures later...

Like father, like daughter

I know I've already posted this picture of Sloane, but I ran across an old picture of me in a box of stuff my parents gave me. I thought I'd have some fun with it. Pretty funny, if you ask me. She's already started and hasn't the slightest idea what she's doing. This is going to be a fun, fun ride I can already tell....

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Bath Time!!!

She loves taking her baths. No crying, no nothing!!

She likes it when you whistle at her!

As I was playing with Sloane on the floor, I decided to whistle at her, and for whatever reasons, every time I did it, she tried to talk to me! Pretty cute!

Hope this doesn't mean trouble in the future!!


I caught her doing some crunches just like her mother...

Neck exercises put her to sleep...

Little Sloane had some "tummy time" and she got a little bit of a neck workout. So much, in fact, that she put herself to sleep!

Monday, February 12, 2007

1 out of 4 ain't bad

Well, after being away from Hadley and Sloane for almost 2 weeks (they are in Naples, FL with my in-law's until March), I finally got the chance to go down and visit them. However, the night I got there, I caught some kinda bug on the flight down, and I was in bed until the day before I had to go home! I had a fever of 102 until Sunday morning, when it finally broke. So, most of my time down there was spent in bed and nowhere near little Miss Sloane. By noon on Sunday, I was pretty much back to normal, and I finally got to hold her. Hadley and I went to dinner Sunday night, and before we left, we had another little family portrait taken. Not the best picture, but it will have to do...

I was supposed to wait another two weeks before going back down to see them, but since I missed most of this last trip due to being near death, I'm going back down next weekend. Hopefully I'll have more pictures then. Stay tuned!!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Just in from Naples!

Here's a little slide show of some pictures Hadley just sent me from Naples. Sloane, you are definitely missed!!!

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