Sunday, January 28, 2007

Florida Family Portrait

Well, this was supposed to be outside, but the bad weather kept us inside. Go figure. I go to Florida for the weekend, and it's too cold to spend time outside or in the water. Anyway, we wanted to at least try to get a picture of the family (us) while I was down in Naples, so this is what we ended up with. Little Sloane wasn't cooperative during the real photo opportunities, so as soon as we sat down to take a break, she settled down and we decided to get a shot. I can't tell if she's asleep or if she's holding her hand to her head and thinking, "Here we go again..."

Three Generations

When her great grandmother (Gommie) and grandfather (Bill) came over before we all went to dinner, you know we just had to snap a quick picture of all three generations of ladies in the family. So here's a picture of Sloane with her mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. Not too hard on the eyes, are they??!!

She's a jokester...

I'm starting to take it personally. She smiles at her mama, she smiles at Potsy (her grandfather), and I swear she's smiled at me, although Mama blames it on "stomach issues." Still, though...she likes to make funny faces at me. Not sure why, but when I talk to her, she just doesn't take me seriously...

Saturday, January 27, 2007

She Sneezes!

Here's Sloane sneezing and then trying to figure out what sneezing actually is!

Her cousins love her!!

Jane and Anna Scott couldn't get enough of their new little cousin, Baby Sloane. They loved on her and hugged on her and were great helping hands. It was great training, since they will have a new baby sister in a couple of months. Here's another picture to prove Sloane was in good hands!!

Friday, January 26, 2007

She Snores!

All that smiling wore little Sloane out! She snores just like her mama!!!

She Smiles!

Little Sloane must really like Florida, as she put on one heck of a show with her smiles!!

Sloane loves her Irma

The minute we walked in the house, Irma the housekeeper had to get her a little Sloane action. After a few minutes, little Sloane sure did warm up to her's proof!

Now, if she'll just smile like that when her daddy holds her.....!

Not a peep!

Knock on wood. Little Sloane didn't make a peep on this trip. Not in the car. Not in the airport, and not on the plane. We had bottles and everything in the event she had a melt down on her first plane ride. But she slept through the entire ordeal. You can't ask for much more than that. Here's little Sloane (and her mama) at 12,000 feet...and Sloane is doing what she does best....sleeping!

Sloane the Adventurer!

Well, today we're heading to Florida for our first "family trip." Mama, Dad, and Sloane are packing the bags and heading down to Naples, Florida to spend the weekend with the Baur's. Well...let me clarify that. DAD is the one spending the weekend in Naples. Mama and Sloane are spending the next 6 weeks in Naples. You see, Mama is still on maternity leave, so she figured she'd smart and escape the cold winter weather in Atlanta (definitely not Hotlanta right now). I, on the otherhand, will have to come back on Monday. Yes, duty calls. But that's okay. I've a long list of "honey-to-do's" as you can imagine, so there's plenty of stuff to keep me busy. I'll go visit them again in another week, and then I'll go down in early March one last time before we ALL come back home. Needless to say, it will be VERY hard leaving that little girl (oh, and her mama, too....ha!) on Monday morning. Talk about separation anxiety...

Anyway, here's little Sloane all ready to head to the airport...

Stay tuned!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

She smiled

After working all day long, I finally got a chance to go downstairs and see little Sloane. She was on the floor in the living room, and Mama had put her down for some "tummy time." Of course, I had to pick her up and get a little hug. Mama had some music playing, and I started dancing with Sloane. A minute or so later, she was smiling as big as she could. Now on several occasions, I've screamed for Mama because Sloane was smiling at me...and Mama spoiled the moment by saying that she wasn't smiling and that she was having stomach "issues." BUT...this time, it was a sho' nuff smile...and she was smiling at ME. Just thought I would share!!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Sloane loves her Rae-Rae

My mom and dad (Rae-Rae and Papa) came down for the afternoon and treated us to brunch. It was raining cats and dogs, but we had a great brunch and visit despite the minor set-back. We sat around and chatted at the house and then grabbed a quick bite to eat at the West Egg Cafe not far from our house. Before we headed that way, however, Sloane had to have a little Rae-Rae time. I'm still not really sure where that name came from...I think the first grandchild, Andrews (my sister's son) called her Rae-Rae (for whatever reasons) and the name just stuck. In fact, I don't even know if I'm spelling it correctly. BUT...that doesn't matter. What DOES matter is that Rae-Rae can't get enough of her newest grandchild.....