Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Gettin' ready....

Well, we've a little over a month to go. Today is the day before Halloween, so that means we have exactly 43 days until Baby Sloane is set to arrive on December 11th. That means major preparations are taking place to get ready. You know the drill...changing tables, cribs, gliders, painting the nursery, stocking up on bottles and diapers and such. Fun, fun, fun.

Here's proof: Mother and Grandmother (aka Pi-Pi) are seen here putting together Baby Sloane's crib. Oops...I mean her SECOND crib. The first one, a hand-me-down, didn't quite cut the mustard. So now we have a brand spankin' new one. As you can see, Sloane's grandfather, Potsy, called-in to see how the nesting was going....

And here's a picture of the final crib product:

Monday, October 16, 2006

She's a Cardinals Fan!

She doesn't know it yet, but little Sloane is a St. Louis Cardinals fan. Here's a picture of Mom, Dad and Sloane at the Cardinals playoff game in St. Louis. (Sloane is still hiding in Mom's stomach, but she did indeed enjoy the game...)

Here's another picture of Baby Sloane with Mama and Grandmama Pi-Pi:

Friday, October 13, 2006

Look how big Mama and Sloane are!

Hadley wanted me to take this picture to show how big she and little Sloane are with 2 months to go. Mama is definitely all tummy!